Monday, October 22, 2007

Mental Health: Depression

Off and on, down the path of my life, I've experienced bouts of depression. I've sought help in a variety of methods, everything from seeking to drown my "problems" in beer (cheap beer at that!), to seeing a therapist, to prescribed medication.

Dating - well, having been introverted and shy as a kid (up until a car accident "woke me up"), I didn't really date until my senior year. We won't delve into my world of dating - quite simply, I dated guys with some type of 'problem', of which, I tried to "fix"... and we all know how that turns out!

Marriage #1 had a multitude of issues... from an neurotic ex-wife to vindictive children to an alcoholic spouse - all of which created an endless round of depression. Luckily, we parted ways before we could do any irreparable damage and have gone on to happier marriages.

Marriage #2 has had it's ups and downs - what marriage doesn't? But there will be more on this later...