Saturday, November 14, 2009



by: W. B. Yeats (1865-1939)

      HIS night has been so strange that it seemed
      As if the hair stood up on my head.
      From going-down of the sun I have dreamed
      That women laughing, or timid or wild,
      In rustle of lace or silken stuff,
      Climbed up my creaking stair. They had read
      All I had rhymed of that monstrous thing
      Returned and yet unrequited love.
      They stood in the door and stood between
      My great wood lectern and the fire
      Till I could hear their hearts beating:
      One is a harlot, and one a child
      That never looked upon man with desire,
      And one, it may be, a queen.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Today I saw the movie "Julie & Julia"... What a wonderful movie! Besides the simply enjoyment of a really good movie, the best thing about it - I came away inspired to "blog" more. Wow! I'm not even a writer but yet, something about this movie created inspiration inside of me to actually "WRITE MORE"! So, here I am, blogging away...

What inspires you to reach beyond the ordinary? To aim for something just beyond reach? Is it your faith? Your desires? Your ambition? Your boss? Your Mother/Father? What drives you to accomplish your dreams, hopes and desires? I have always had goals, but not so much ambition. I strive to be the best I can at whatever endeavor I've attempted. And yes, there have been many times I've failed miserably. Yup, fallen flat on my face! But you know what, I've always picked myself up and tried again. And if failure continued to slap me in the face - well, I moved on to something else. I don't necessarily call all my thwarted attempts failures - I refer to them as true learning experiences... and I've learned some hard lessons over the years.

So tell me, is it that hard to reach out and grab for something you really and truly want? I don't think so... I think it's all in how you look at things. If you go into something, knowing you're going to fail, well, chances are, you will... but, if you decide you're going to succeed, odds are, you will. Is it that simple? Probably not, but in the grand scheme of things, isn't it better to have tried and failed than to never had tried at all...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Twists & Turns

Have you ever noticed that just when you think you have everything figured out and all is going well, something happens and all of a sudden you're heading in a completely opposite direction? I've heard it referred to as the roller-coaster of life. You're traveling along on a nice straight section of life then, poof... next thing you know, you're heading south! I've had some abrupt twists and turns throughout my life, some were relatively seamless and some... just about snapped my head off! It's those that make me wonder if I, at age 45, really have a clue about what life truly is about? Many years ago, Tuesday, July 13, 1982 to be exact, was a major turning point in my life. Up until that point in time, I was a fairly quiet, shy, reserved young girl of 18. On that day, one year after graduating high school, riding in my 1966 Ford Mustang with my, at the time, boyfriend... BANG! Head-on collision!

This wreck put me in the hospital for several days and again later for a skin graft. Beside traveling half way through the windshield, cutting my face horribly, I had a concussion, a gash on my leg that was 4 inches wide and 8 inches deep into the lower part of my calf, bruised kidneys, and numerous other cuts, scrape and bruises. My boyfriend was injured also, but not as seriously and required no hospital stay - somehow, he landed in the backseat! This was the turning point for several things... after regaining normal cognitive thought - it dawned on me, had I died at this moment in time, would my family and friends know that I loved them? From this point on, I've made ever effort to let people know how I feel - it isn't always easy but, it's better than leaving things unsaid forever.

Some people never learn the importance of being open and honest and being able to express your feelings to those you love and care about. I learned this the hard way as well as other valuable life-lessons.

Because of certain circumstance due to this accident, I lost my first real job and my first real boyfriend... even though we're now friendly acquaintances. But then there were the blessings in disguise - I found my real career calling (drafting), found love, lost love and found it again... with all the ups and downs, twists and turns that come with living this life. And what a ride it's been and continues to be...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Sweet Dancer
The girl goes dancing there
On the leaf-sown, new-mown, smooth
Grass plot of the garden;
Escaped from bitter youth,
Escaped out of her crowd,
Or out of her black cloud.
Ah, dancer, ah, sweet dancer!

If strange men come from the house
To lead her away, do not say
That she is happy being crazy;
Lead them gently astray;
Let her finish her dance,
Let her finish her dance.
Ah, dancer, ah, sweet dancer!
By William Butler Yeats

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Boundaries. By definition it's something that indicates the bounds or limits. There all sorts of boundaries. Actually physical boundaries, for instance the boundaries of walls in your house or the fence around your yard. Invisible boundaries, like city, state or country lines or personal boundaries, and even professional boundaries? Invisible but just the same, real.

What happens when someone oversteps a personal or professional boundary? I know that I get extremely uncomfortable when a stranger gets physically close to me - they're inside my personal space, my boundary. What about the boundaries we invoke upon ourselves? We all have boundaries that we live by, that restrict us, guide us, and even protect us. For example, laws or rules establish a form of boundaries. Cross the line, and voila, you may find yourself being punished or even worse, behind bars.

I have wrapped myself in boundaries for a long time. Internal boundaries. I withhold much of myself from most people, and few really truly know or understand me. What happens if my boundaries were to unravel? Would I remain much as I am at this given time? I don't know. I've had relationship boundaries pushed, twisted and crossed. My first husband and I had tons of issues related to boundaries - mostly due to his kids and ex-wife. (but that's a whole other blog!)

What happens when your personal boundaries are crossed? I've tried following the Golden Rule... to treat others as you expect to be treated in the same situation. And I can personally attest, it isn't always easy. But that's another blog... for now, I contemplate boundaries, those physical, invisible, real and imagined.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Last Step

Desire has crashed and fallen
Thirst never to be quenched
Your shallow feelings grasping
Seek, beholding the lies you've told
Stare turns to glare, you question
All awake to hear, I dare give answer

Sensation lost in confusion
A path retreats behind you
A path of pain and deceit
For I know what you know

A touch, fleeting and gone
A step, into the abyss of nothing
For you pain and heartbreak
For me, finding loving peace

By Christy Henderson
(a rebuttal of sorts)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

For I have LOVED and I have LIVED.

"I ask for no ones tears, pity, or forgiveness. For I have LOVED and I have LIVED."

Does anyone really know what "love" is? I think that love has to have a firm base of mutual respect, honesty, loyalty, affection, devotion, and a genuine desire to be someones' all and them be your all. To give yourself completely, to open yourself allowing your true colors to be seen, allowing the inner beauty and ugliness to be viewed... and then add in chemistry! When I first met my current hubby, we were both married to other people. And both unhappy. My first marriage was a struggle from the beginning. He had an ex-wife and two kids, a daughter and son. Most of our problems stemmed from the animosity that remained from their divorce, of which I had no part in. When we met, I really thought I had met someone I could really connect with... we had lots of things in common, love of outdoors, love of fishing, camping, etc. Unfortunately, the constant stress on our relationship due to different views on parenting/ex-wives and meddling family, adding in the mix of excessive alcohol... well it just didn't survive the barrage of issues.

I became a much happier person after husband #1 and I split. And soon, my happiness exploded... when I discovered my kindred spirit and soulmate... but that's another blog for another day.

"I love thee, I love but thee; with a love that shall not die; till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old."