Thursday, January 10, 2008

Story Time

Last night the writers group met at a local coffee shop and conducted a class on "Time Management". I should have paid attention (heaven knows that as of late, I've lost some of my 'super-duper, time-organizing skills'!), but I was distracted with thoughts of writing and poetry. Since quite of few of the group were in attendance, I moved over to a small table and set up my laptop - to afford myself a bit of privacy and the ability to concentrate. I have had an idea about a short story, floating in my head and felt it time to put some thought to paper (so to speak). No plans to go into any details about this story idea at this time... perhaps down the road as it unfolds. As someone who has minimal "writing experience", I simply started with what came to mind... basically the opening scene of my story. When it came time to address characters and their names, I fell off into a world of research, investigating names and lineages. It's amazing the things one can discover in the Internet! The research I did last night has given me more ideas about how to tie my story together... and that was awesome! I let my hubby read what little I had written and he gave me some pointers and tips on what direction to take from here... plus advice on character building and outlining. I have a long ways to go... but I must say, I am looking forward to the journey.