PRESENCES by: W. B. Yeats (1865-1939)HIS night has been so strange that it seemed
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Posted by CB Henderson at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Poetry
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Today I saw the movie "Julie & Julia"... What a wonderful movie! Besides the simply enjoyment of a really good movie, the best thing about it - I came away inspired to "blog" more. Wow! I'm not even a writer but yet, something about this movie created inspiration inside of me to actually "WRITE MORE"! So, here I am, blogging away...
Posted by CB Henderson at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Twists & Turns
Have you ever noticed that just when you think you have everything figured out and all is going well, something happens and all of a sudden you're heading in a completely opposite direction? I've heard it referred to as the roller-coaster of life. You're traveling along on a nice straight section of life then, poof... next thing you know, you're heading south! I've had some abrupt twists and turns throughout my life, some were relatively seamless and some... just about snapped my head off! It's those that make me wonder if I, at age 45, really have a clue about what life truly is about? Many years ago, Tuesday, July 13, 1982 to be exact, was a major turning point in my life. Up until that point in time, I was a fairly quiet, shy, reserved young girl of 18. On that day, one year after graduating high school, riding in my 1966 Ford Mustang with my, at the time, boyfriend... BANG! Head-on collision!
Posted by CB Henderson at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Facts of Life
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
On the leaf-sown, new-mown, smooth
Grass plot of the garden;
Escaped from bitter youth,
Escaped out of her crowd,
Or out of her black cloud.
Ah, dancer, ah, sweet dancer!
If strange men come from the house
To lead her away, do not say
That she is happy being crazy;
Lead them gently astray;
Let her finish her dance,
Let her finish her dance.
Ah, dancer, ah, sweet dancer!
Posted by CB Henderson at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Posted by CB Henderson at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Last Step
Posted by CB Henderson at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
For I have LOVED and I have LIVED.
"I ask for no ones tears, pity, or forgiveness. For I have LOVED and I have LIVED."
Posted by CB Henderson at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Posted by CB Henderson at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I Hear...
“I hear the wind a blow
I hear the grass a grow,
And all that I know, I know.
But I will not speak, I will run away.”
Posted by CB Henderson at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Dreams, Goals, Aspirations
What are your dreams, goals or aspirations? I used to have very specific goals laid out - and still do, to a certain extent. Some of my "dreams" have gone by the wayside... lost in the world of getting older. At times I've wished them back but, reality has rendered them null and void. After all, age does play a part in some of my past ambitions. Some things just aren't possible!
Posted by CB Henderson at 9:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Facts of Life
Monday, April 13, 2009
Alone The sly reeds whisper to the night By James Joyce
The noon's greygolden meshes make
All night a veil,
The shorelamps in the sleeping lake
Laburnum tendrils trail.
A name-- her name-
And all my soul is a delight,
A swoon of shame.
Posted by CB Henderson at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life and Poetry
Monday, January 12, 2009
Write What you Feel!
By George William Russell
AT dusk the window panes grew grey;
The wet world vanished in the gloom;
The dim and silver end of day
Scarce glimmered through the little room.
And all my sins were told; I said
Such things to her who knew not sin—
The sharp ache throbbing in my head,
The fever running high within.
I touched with pain her purity;
Sin’s darker sense I could not bring:
My soul was black as night to me;
To her I was a wounded thing.
I needed love no words could say;
She drew me softly nigh her chair,
My head upon her knees to lay,
With cool hands that caressed my hair.
She sat with hands as if to bless,
And looked with grave, ethereal eyes;
Ensouled by ancient Quietness,
A gentle priestess of the Wise.
A few weeks ago, a good part of my evening was spent listening to my husband, the writer, and one of our friends collaborating on a new script… the other part, spent writing my latest “MySpace” Blog on resolutions. And yet now, I write more. (And I’m not even a writer!)
I’ve had to cause to delve back into poetry – reading many different verses, trying to grasp the tumbling madness that swirls through my brain at any given moment – fragments of thought screaming to be put to paper. The past week or so, I’ve felt a particular urge to turn some of that chaos into poetry. As I searched for something to calm the noise of my thoughts, I found the poem above. It hit a chord in me, reminding me of the song, “Hard Sun” by Eddie Vedder. If you’ve visited my husband’s MySpace page, you’ll note this is his current song – which holds an intense meaning for me and him.
Since love and marriage are not perfect things – and simply can’t be perfected… I have found that creating the right balance between him and me, to be a challenge. That’s not to say there haven’t been times when we’ve in perfect sync but, life tends to throws a ‘kink into the sync’, just to keep things interesting. How we handle the ‘kink’ is up to us. Do we let it spiral out of control, screaming all the while? Do we tighten up the ranks and close up the moat? Do we passively disconnect and let it slide? Do we pack up and depart with our tail tucked between our legs or our head held high? In my life of marriage (both 1 and 2), I’ve done a bit of it all! I’ve had everything spiral out of control, no matter how loud I screamed. I’ve closed up ranks and sealed the moat. I’ve disconnected and let things slide. And I’ve departed in more ways than one. What I call the education of life and love...
What can I say… isn’t life about learning? If love is to be a part of our life, then it comes with all sorts of impossibilities, improbabilities, and also, sheer joy and distraction. Life is about finding ways to move forward instead of backwards - It’s the intense flavor of what’s to come that pushes us to learn more about ourselves. Not always pretty, but all part of becoming who we’re supposed to be. Don’t you think?
Posted by CB Henderson at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life and Poetry